
Group 1-4


Let your senses be stimulated: What does a work of art smell like? What do you feel with your feet? What does this artwork taste like? From a smell game to a barefoot path, from tasting art to listening to music fragments. Getting acquainted with the visual arts in a playful way by using all your senses – it can be that much fun and educational!
Kunsttastisch an education program of Beeldend Breda: a collaboration between Stedelijk Museum Breda, Blind Walls Gallery and BredaPhoto.

Learning package

Kunsttastisch is an extensive teaching package that the school can borrow. With the manual, image and sound fragments and material for sensory assignments such as tiles for the barefoot path, scent pots and special viewing glasses.

Museum teacher in the classroom

It is also possible to ask a museum teacher in the classroom to teach one or more lessons at Kunsttastic.


Do you want to book this program or know more? Please contact the education staff on telephone number (076) 529 99 08 or via e-mail educatie@stedelijkmuseumbreda.nl