Eelco Brand

In The Birth of Landscape, Eelco Brand explores the birth of the landscape during Creation, visible when both panels are closed.

Inside the cabinet is a glass sphere, with the flat earth still shrouded in mist. On the other side, the landscape is built from the purest digital forms, projected onto paper backdrops. The work is an ode to the untouched natural landscape, without humans, a recurring theme for Brand.

Lukács & Broersen

In the video installation After Eden, Lukács & Broersen present their vision of the left panel, the depiction of the Garden of Eden.

But instead of a perfect environment, they show the hunt to reach, tame, and claim paradise as a new domain. In a montage of images from Hollywood films, nature increasingly turns into a battlefield. The illusion of the earthly paradise is an important theme in the work of Broersen & Lukács.


The digital artist collective SMACK offers an interpretation of the central panel with Paradise, a new character sketch of the sinners of the world. The theme remains timeless, with sins such as vanity, greed, disgust, and of course, lust.

Thus, the landscape becomes a depraved playground full of excesses. In the sea of people, avatars of bad behavior, the animations continue to swarm, providing hours of viewing pleasure.

Floris Kaayk

Floris Kaayk is a filmmaker, designer, and digital storyteller. The starting point for Hell.exe is the sinister right panel of The Garden of Earthly Delights.

Kaayk's response is a 3D environment in the form of a game world. Through written coding, digital sinners are unleashed into the landscape. They are designed after figures from Bosch's work, a kind of assemblage.